RIBO Disclosure

At CapriCMW, we are dedicated to our long-term client relationships and grateful for the trust and confidence you have placed in our team. As part of our commitment to you, transparency is key and we believe in sharing with you how we operate, the value we offer and how we are compensated for our services.

All of our Insurance and Risk Advisors that serve clients based in Ontario are licensed with the Registered Insurance Brokers of Ontario (RIBO), and all RIBO licensees are required to share copies of the following:

These documents have been designed to help you better understand what you can expect in the services provided by your insurance broker, including: 

  • Regulatory standards for professional conduct 
  • How insurance works
  • Broker compensation
  • Products and promotions
  • How your personal information will be used

If you have any questions about these documents, please contact your broker.